This document is the annual work report and financial report of the Concession Commission of Republic of Srpska for 2017 (hereinafter: the Report). By submitting this Report, Concession Commission of Republic of Srpska (hereinafter: the Commission) fulfills its legal reporting obligation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 of the Concession Law (“Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska”, No. 59/13 and 16/18, hereinafter: the Law).
The report covers the period from January 1st to December 31st 2017.
The report shows how the Commission fulfills its jurisdictions and mission, and is therefore composed of information on the performed checks of concessionaires’ work, the applications submitted, the Commission solutions, the number and type of cases considered by the Commission, as well as other information falling within the scope of the Commission’s work, whether the Commission acted ex officio, at the request of the competent authority or the interested entity. It is also a proof to the dedication and professionalism of Commission staff, whose expertise and work can be trusted.
The aim of the Report is to inform the National Assembly of Republic of Srpska, as well as the general public, about the Commission’s work, about activities on the implementation of legal and other regulations in the field of concessions, the realization of Concession Contracts, checks of concessionaires’ work etc.
Content is available only in the local language.